
To increase the awareness for fire safety, here are some tips for safety in the workplace:

Fire Prevention:

  1. Practice good workplace housekeeping. Clutter contributes to fires and blocks walkways and exits.
  2. Keep workspaces free of wastepaper and other combustibles
  3. Ensure trash is emptied frequently enough to prohibit a buildup of combustibles in an area
  4. Place oily rags in a covered metal container. This waste must be properly disposed of on a regular basis.
  5. Use and store chemicals safely. Provide adequate ventilation when using and storing these substances.
  6. Have damaged electrical cords replaced and do not overload circuits. 
  7. Uncoil an extension cord fully before use and use extension cords for temporary wiring ONLY; be sure the amperage of the cord is appropriate for the job you are doing. 
  8. Report electrical hazards. Many fires start in faulty wiring and malfunctioning electrical equipment. Never attempt electrical repairs unless you are qualified and authorized.
  9. Do not use electrical equipment when flammable gases, vapors, liquids, dust, or fibers are present. 
  10. Do not use equipment that delivers mild electrical shock, gives off unusual heat or smells odd. If in doubt, have it checked and repaired or replaced. 
  11. Turn off electrical appliances at the end of each day.
  12. Keep heat producing equipment away from anything that might burn. This includes copiers, coffee makers, computers, etc.
  13. Help maintain building security to prevent arson fires. Lock up as instructed; report suspicious persons

Emergency Preparation:

  1. Make sure you know who to call in an emergency.  Post emergency telephone numbers as well as the company address by the telephone for quick access.
  2. Make sure all walk ways and corridors are kept clear to ensure emergency egress is uninhibited. 
  3. Have an escape plan and discuss it with your employees.  
  4. Make sure that employees learn how to properly use a fire extinguisher.
  5. Conduct fire drills and participate.

Report Fires and Emergencies promptly

  1. Immediately report all foul odors or defective equipment to the Building Manger or Security. 
  2. If fire is detected pull the fire alarm station to sound the alarm. 

These simple tips can amount to many lives saved.  Do not take fire prevention lightly.  Be smart and stay safe.  

With a little piece of wisdom, we hope that we have served.

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