
Attracting qualified job applicants is becoming an increasingly stiff competition. This is why many employers today use the promise of good salary rates, paid leaves, profit sharing, and the like to entice candidates to apply for positions in their companies.

One particular benefit that makes job seekers go to you and gets employees to stay is insurance. And yes, this applies to businesses both big and small.
Here are some of the reasons why it’s a must for any business.

Why Insurance Is Important for Employees

1. Security is a priority to your employees.

Free gym memberships and a swanky office setup will definitely catch the attention of interested job seekers, but what really matters to them is security. Insurance gives them that.

For many employees, it isn’t just about their own security, either. They also want to make sure that their family members are able to get the medical treatment they need should unexpected illnesses or injuries occur. Many insurance plans address these needs by allowing employees to add their loved ones as dependents.

2. It’s convenient for employees.

When your employees get sick or suffer from an accident, health insurance directs them to the care they need when they need it. For instance, some plans offer telemedicine services that patients can easily access online or via phone call. They may also be directed towards partner clinics and hospitals from which they can receive routine checkups, such as physical, dental, and eye examinations.

3.It saves your employees money.

LinkedIn named health insurance as one of the most desired employee benefits in 2021 in the United States. It cites the rising costs of healthcare as one of the reasons insurance is and will remain popular even in the future.

The U.S. is not the only country experiencing higher healthcare costs. Medical expenses are also growing in the Philippines, making health insurance not just preferable, but necessary for Filipino workers today. A health maintenance organization or HMO lets them receive medical care for free or at a discounted price.

How Offering Insurance Helps Your Business

1. It increases employee retention.

When you offer insurance, you signal to your employees that their wellbeing matters to you. Employees who feel that they are valued in the workplace are more inclined to stay loyal to a company.

Also, since insurance gives your employees easier access to healthcare, including dental and eye checkups, it also becomes easier for them to stay healthy. This helps boost productivity in the workplace because healthy employees have more energy to accomplish their work.

Aside from curative care, preventive solutions work well towards making sure your employees are properly cared for.

2. It makes you stand out among competitors.

So many companies are looking to hire the best and the brightest among various candidates. But you only get a shot at hiring these candidates if they find your company promising.

Good compensation is one of the ways companies capture the attention of potential hires. But while a competitive salary rate may get them to send in their applications, employee benefits like insurance are those that get them to stay.

Remember that when you are putting together an employee benefits package, you should consider not only your existing staff, but also your potential employees.



Healthy and satisfied workers are an asset to any business. Offering insurance, specifically health insurance, is one key method of showing how much you value your human resources.

Let expert brokers help you find the best group health insurance for your employees. #ConsultUniguarantee today by contacting us at 8553-3270 or 8553-3271.

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